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Open enrollment officially begins mid-February for the following school year. The exact date is determined annually by the administration. Completion of the admissions process, approval of the administration and payment of the registration fee will reserve a space in the appropriate grade level.


Reenrollment for students currently attending the school usually begins mid-January for the following school year. The exact date is determined annually by the administration. Current students have preference over new students concerning class vacancies until “open enrollment” commences.


After the start of “open enrollment,” all students are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Submission of the reenrollment forms and financial payment of the registration fee indicates a parent’s intention of enrolling his or her student(s) and thereby reserves a space in the appropriate grade level. The administration may allow payment of the registration fee in the form of an initial deposit and subsequent payments due no later than June 10th. The school makes hiring decisions, textbook orders and other decisions based on the number of registration fees submitted. Therefore, once a registration deposit is paid the entire registration fee becomes payable and nonrefundable.


When classes fill, the administration may develop a waiting pool for families who have completed the admissions/enrollment process. The Admissions Committee will select students from the pool who best meet the admission criteria and whose families demonstrate philosophical agreement with the school policies and the educational program.

Kids in Preschool

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